You know the phrase "love at first sight"? We do! Many people have suggested over the last several years that my husband and I should get a doggie. I have epilepsy and do volunteer work out of my home, so the idea of getting a doggie has always been in the back of our minds. My husband, Josh, and I both had dogs growing up.
My older brother and sister-in-law (they have 3 dogs and a cat!) came here from Washington for Christmas. At one point, they told us that they almost adopted a dog for us from, and were going to give her to us for Christmas. They thought twice and figured it would be better to check with us first. They really poured the idea on us pretty heavily. Finally my brother said they should back off... No Pressure!!!
I had no problem with it, but it took a little more convincing for my husband. He was concerned about my health and wanted to be sure I would be able to take care of a pet, but they had set a little spark in us...
Sparkles, the dog that Marc & Deb wanted to adopt for us was adopted by the next morning – (We're happy for you, Sparkles, if you're somewhere out there reading this!).
Then we saw Caramel from Rover Rescue. We went to visit her that evening. I had called my brother to tell him, and he emphasized that we would only be going to see her and then to come home and discuss adopting her. He said he didn't mean to force us into anything and to remember that we were just going to see her- we WOULDN'T be coming home with a new family member!
Well, we saw her. Within minutes, both of us fell in love with her and knew that we couldn't leave without her! We went home that night and I called my brother and left him a message telling him that I had done exactly what he said NOT to do!
Not only is she a wonderfully sweet and gentle little girl (she is now Kipper Lucio Lang) she fits right in with our family! It's somewhat strange to think of days without her and we've only had her for a week!
The best part is that since we've had her, I have not had a SINGLE epileptic episode. Not ONE! No headaches, no seizures, no problems at all. It's amazing what a little TLC (from her to me!) makes a difference!